Thursday, 1 October 2015

Germany's first Package-free Supermarket combats global waste problem

Original Unverpackt (which translates to 'originally unpackaged’) combats global waste problem at its roots by selling unpackaged products in the first place. Unpackaged shopping means considerably less waste and fewer foods that are thrown away, as everyone can fill what he needed to quantity. The store adopts a no brand-name policy with around 80 percent of the store’s products being organic and sourced from local suppliers as a means of reducing transportation costs and energy use. The products are then sold in bulk using gravity bins (upside-down containers with a lever where the user can decide exactly how much they need). Customers will bring their own containers to take the produce away, borrow reusable containers from the store or use bags made from recycled paper.

Original Unverpackt where PREcycling, not just recycling, is all the rage

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